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Bukowska 150
60-189 Poznań
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Tel: +48 883 003 446
June 2, 2022

Nasze Jeżyce

Nasze Jeżyce is a new development project by Echo Investment in the Jeżyce district of Poznań. This modern residential project is a response to the changing needs of young residents of Poznań. This is also how we designed its visual identity: fresh, modern, and colourful – emphasising the main advantages of the project.


Identification and communication of a residential development in Poznań

  • Client


The entire communication, including visual elements, is based on numerous references to building blocks and jigsaw puzzles.

In our opinion, only those residential projects that can be easily customised – like a jigsaw puzzle or building blocks – have a chance to succeed in such a demanding market as the housing market today. Did we succeed? Check for yourself how many apartments have been sold on


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